Accredited, Online ACLS Training

Accepted across North America and Canada, done in 3 hours. Up to 8 AMA CME/CE credits each.

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10% off with 2 courses, 15% off with 3

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15% multiple course discount is applied

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skills test sheet

Free skills test sheet

provider eCard

Free instant provider eCard

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Courses proudly sold to NASA and U.S. Department of the Army

Everything you need for ACLS, PALS, and BLS courses

We know you have enough on your plate — this course includes everything you need to pass! Course materials are available on the website or to print out, and yes, they work with iPad! You will obtain your free instant provider eCard as soon as you pass the course, sent 24/7. We will also send your physical certificate in the mail upon your request.

Pacific Medical Training offers up to 8 CME/CE AMA/ANCC credits per course, certified by the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine. See our accreditation letter.

ACLS, PALS, and BLS training online since 2007

We have been expertly providing education to health professionals since 2007 and have served tens of thousands of health care providers over the years. We have grown through customer referrals. Thank you!

Skills testing is required for paramedics (signup on our site) or if specifically requested in addition to the ACLS certification course by your employer. Otherwise, this is optional. Either way we will provide the skills forms you need if you want to go through this process. We allow course completion with a simulation station or voice-assisted manikin (VAM).

online learning

Accepted in every state & province

Nurses and physicians everywhere in the United States and Canada can take our online ACLS/PALS/BLS courses for their certification needs. For EMS, please see Our Pacific Medical Training branded training courses are sold proudly, under contract, to the U.S. Department of the Army and NASA.

Sample provider eCards/certificates

ACLS provider eCard


Advanced cardiac life support eCard
Up to 8 AMA CME/CE credits

Select desired certificate to view

AMA Physician, ACPE, ADA, AMA Non Physician, Nurse ANCC

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You’ll get an email in the future to remind you so you don't lapse.

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