The best medical websites

Best medical nonprofit websites

We are always on the lookout for fantastic websites providing great content that can serve as a resource to our visitors seeking health related information. We are currently reviewing sites in these four categories: Cardiac, Pediatrics/Kids, EMS & EMTs and Nursing. Websites featured on the category pages below will be awarded PMT’s “best in category” seal. If you know of a great health website let us know about it and we’ll be glad to review it for a seal.

Our favorite cardiac websites

Our favorite cardiac websites

These sites are great cardiac resources that touch upon many healthy habits that you can use to improve your overall heart health. Topics in this group were relevant to many key health indicators including portion control, healthy eating, fats & cholesterol avoidance, and appropriate cardiovascular exercises.

View our favorite cardiac sites

Our favorite pediatrics/kids websites

Our favorite pediatric/kids websites

These websites are great resources for pediatric health with current information for maintaining cardiac health in children. You’ll find exercises for children, tips for lowering cholesterol, and information about healthy heart development. Most of these websites are written kid friendly, easy to understand format.

View our favorite pediatrics sites

Our favorite EMS & EMT websites

Our Favorite EMS & EMT websites


EMTs deal with heart related emergencies first hand as they are often the first to arrive at emergency scenes. Their heroic efforts and specialized training save thousands of lives each year. These sites stand out from their peers with useful information for paramedics, EMTs, and other public safety responders.

View our favorite EMS & EMT sites

Our favorite nursing websites

Our favorite Nursing websites

RNs provide medical assistance on a daily basis to help us get better when we become ill or are in need of medical attention. Sometimes called the caregivers of the world, nurses are often the first to administer treatment to many patients. Here are some of the best websites by or for nurses.

View our favorite nursing sites

Our favorite doctors websites

Our favorite Doctors websites

The physician profession is one of the oldest and most venerated professions in the world. We applaud the physicians who are not only able to take care of their patients but are able to provide great online resources. Here you will find some of the best doctor-related websites that are truly making a difference.

View our favorite doctors sites

Our favorite non-profit websites

Our favorite non-profit websites

The non-profit section represents organizations that are truly making an impact on the world. Some of these groups provide direct medical services while others collect supplies and send them to communities in need. We are grateful for the efforts of these front-line warriors who have abandoned standard comforts in order to build a better world.

View our favorite non-profit sites

Our favorite naturopathic websites

Our favorite Naturopathic websites

Naturopathic and non-traditional medical practices have grown in popularity and respect in recent times. With anything new however, there is a tremendous amount of misinformation and confusion. We applaud the following websites for seeking to inform the public on non-traditional medical practices.

View our favorite naturopathic sites

The criteria considered when we reviewed sites for “best in category” placement is listed below. While the list is not comprehensive of the conditions that determining a winning website, all of the websites in our “best in category” awards section meet or exceed standards of excellence in these key areas. If you would like to have your site reviewed for a “best in category” award, please send an email to with the subject line: PMT — best in category.