Accredited, online ACLS training in Idaho

Accepted across North America and Canada, done in 3 hours. Up to 8 AMA CME/CE credits each.

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How to complete your ACLS certification in Idaho

You are able to complete your ACLS, PALS and BLS certification in Idaho with a fully in-person, or blended online course.

Acceptance in Idaho

State acceptance in Idaho

Physicians: We are accepted by the ID Board of Medicine because we are accredited by AMA (category 1)

Each person licensed to practice medicine and surgery or osteopathic medicine or surgery in Idaho is required to complete no less than 40 hours of practice relevant, category 1, CME every two (2) years.

All education offered by institutions or organizations accredited by the ACCME and reciprocating organizations or the AOA are considered approved.

Verification Link

Nurses: We are accepted by the ID Board of Nursing because we are ANCC accredited

The Board recognizes the need for demonstrated continued competence, but has as yet not identified a regulatory process that will assure that licensees meet minimum levels of competence throughout their careers.

Continuing education, e-learning, academic courses, nursing-related in-service offered by an accredited educational institution, healthcare institution, or organization (a contact hour equals not less than fifty (50) minutes); or (3-25-16) ii. Completion of a minimum of one (1) semester credit hour of post-licensure academic education relevant to nursing practice, offered by a college or university accredited by an organization recognized by the U.S. Department of education;

Verification Link

Dentists: We are accepted by the ID Board of Dentistry because we are accredited by ADA CERP

  1. Requirement for CPR (Rule 18). Applicants for initial licensure as a dentist, dental specialist, or dental hygienist shall provide written verification of current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification as a requirement for licensure. All practicing dentists, dental specialists, or dental hygienists must maintain current CPR certification
  2. Continuing education for dentists (Rule 50). Renewal of any active dental license will require evidence of completion of continuing education or volunteer dental practice that meets the following requirements: (3-29-17)
  3. Number of credits. All active dentists shall acquire thirty (30) credits of verifiable continuing education in each biennial renewal period. One (1) credit is defined as one (1) hour of instruction. One (1) of the credits must be related to use of the Idaho Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP). (3-29-17)
  4. Nature of education. Continuing education must be oral health/health-related for the professional development of a dentist.

Verification Link

Click: Administrative rules

Pharmacists: We are accepted by the ID Board of Pharmacy because we are ACPE accredited

fifteen CPE hours (1.5 CEU). Licensure renewal takes place each year on June 30. Current requirements are as follows: ACPE or CME. At a minimum, twelve of the CPE hours obtained (1.2 CEU) must be all or a combination of ACPE or CME accredited programs.

Verification Link

EMS workers: Our courses count in ID as acceptable CME

The state does not regulate the CPR requirements, as they relate to EMS. The course facilitator (agency or educational institution) will require a CPR course but that requirement is not a “state” driven requirement or prerequisite.

Tattoo artists: Our bloodborne pathogen course is acceptable in ID

There are no regulations for bloodborne pathogen course work in ID


First aid and CPR training for staff the director of a center or a large family child care home and the caregiver/teacher in a small family child care home should ensure all staff members involved in providing direct care have documentation of satisfactory completion of training in pediatric first aid and pediatric CPR skills. Pediatric CPR skills should be taught by demonstration, practice, and return demonstration to ensure the technique can be per- formed in an emergency. These skills should be current according to the requirement specified for retrain_x0002_ing by the organization that provided the training. At least one staff person who has successfully completed training in pediatric first aid that includes CPR should be in attendance at all times with a child whose special care plan indicates an increased risk of needing respiratory or cardiac resuscitation.Records of successful completion of training in pediatric first aid should be maintained in the personnel files of the facility.

In-person training

Your choices for in-person AHA training:

Blended class Classroom
Format This is a personalized and adaptive class completed online with a computer. After the class you will schedule with an instructor to complete the hands-on portion of the class. This is a traditional classroom class with an instructor.
Course completion Complete the online portion + hands-on skills session with an AHA Instructor. Contact an Training Center in your area to sign up for an instructor-led class, see above
Time The online portion of HeartCode BLS can be completed in approximately 1 to 2 hours. Time to complete the hands-on skills session varies around approixmately 60 minutes, depending on your experience level. A full BLS provider course can take 4.5 hours to complete, including skills practice and skills testing.
Completion card BLS provider course completion card, valid for two years BLS provider course completion card, valid for two years

Nearby training sites

View our list of training centers and skill testers in ID. This list was produced by Pacific Medical Training.

Mountain View Hospital
Training Center Coordinator - Debbie Norris 2325 Coronado St/ Idaho Falls, ID BLS ACLS PALS

Madison Memorial Hospital Training Center
393 E. 2nd N./ Rexburg, ID BLS ACLS PALS

Keyes to Safety LLC
417 Shoup Ave W/ Twin Falls, ID BLS ACLS PALS

North Idaho Advanced Care Hospital
600 Cecil/ Post Falls, ID

Nampa Fire Department
1103 2nd Street/ Nampa, ID

St. Luke's Regional Medical Center
190 E Bannock St/ Boise, ID BLS ACLS PALS

St. Luke`s Wood River Medical Center
100 Hospital Dr/ Ketchum, ID BLS ACLS PALS

CPR Central
503 W Appleway Ave, Suite L/ Coeur d`Alene, ID

St. Luke`s Magic Valley/Jerome Medical Center
801 Pole Line Road W./ Twin Falls, ID

Madison Memorial Hospital
Training Center-Heather Burrell, 35 North 1st East, Suite 2, P.O. Box 310/ Rexburg, ID BLS ACLS PALS

St. Joseph Regional Medical Center
415 6th St/ Lewiston, ID ACLS PALS

Idaho CPR Plus
3669 W. Wright St/ Boise, ID BLS ACLS PALS

Minidoka Memorial Hospital
1224 8th St/ Rupert, ID ACLS

Total 13 training sites in ID. Show all.

Pacific Medical Training course acceptance chart.

This list of AHA training centers is original research produced by Pacific Medical Training and is not authorized by any third party. By completing this form you are asking Pacific Medical Training to arrange a course and/or skills testing for you, preferably with this training center.

The American Heart Association name is owned by American Heart Association, Inc. Pacific Medical Training has no affiliation with American Heart Association.


How to find CPR near me?

You can find a map of all accredited training centers in Idaho above.

Life saving stories

Here's a few stories that warmed our heart. Just sharing and thanking you for choosing a career that helps people that need it most.

Young lifeguards honored for heroic rescue at heise hot springs

Three heroic teenagers received recognition from firefighters for their life-saving actions at Heise Hot Springs. Levi Ohran, 18, Brodie Wolfley, 17, and Taytum Jensen, 15, who all serve as lifeguards at the hot springs, were commended at a Central Fire Commissioner meeting. On March 11, a distress call came in regarding a 61-year-old man who had stopped breathing and had no pulse. The lifeguards sprang into action, rescuing the unresponsive man from the water, initiating CPR, and effectively using life-saving equipment. Although the man later passed away due to underlying medical issues, their quick and skilled response significantly improved his chances of survival. Levi, Brodie, and Taytum received honors, gift cards, and plaques for their bravery and dedication to their duties as lifeguards. Levi credited their training for their ability to handle the situation with professionalism and calmness.

Full Story / April 14, 2023

Life-saver in action: eagle teen reunites with his cpr hero

In October, 17-year-old Eagle High School student Travis Johnston collapsed at Crunch Fitness, his heart stopping in cardiac arrest. Staff member Gabriel Hernandez heroically administered CPR, sustaining Johnston until emergency crews arrived. The emotional month that followed highlighted Hernandez's newfound admiration for first responders. Recently, Johnston met with these local heroes, expressing his gratitude through hugs. Ada County Paramedics emphasized Hernandez's pivotal role in saving Johnston, presenting him with a commendation certificate and an honorary t-shirt. The significance of CPR training was underscored, and Johnston's recovery serves as a testament to its life-saving potential.

Full Story / November 21, 2021

Septuagenarian saved from drowning

A 74-year-old man almost drowned while rafting on the river as his raft was caught in a fallen log. First responders found Nicholas Patrick Miller's raft submerged in water while two strangers were trying to keep Miller's head above the water so they can easily pull him back to the raft. First responders immediately performed CPR as soon as he was brought to the shore. He regained consciousness and immediately flown to the St. Alphonsus Hospital in Boise where he was declared still in critical condition as of press time.

Full Story / July 1, 2019

Woman saves husband's life

Shane McVey charged at officers Earl Laughter III and Sgt. Patrick McKenna with pepper spray. Laughter apprehended that McVey may had planned to take one of the officer's weapon and use it against them. Laughter shot McVey in response. McVey received CPR from officers and was taken to a hospital and was later pronounced dead.

Full Story / April 28, 2016