Course acceptance

Middle Atlantic region course acceptance

This chart lists major cities in the Middle Atlantic region where Pacific Medical Training online emergency education courses are accepted, plus city-specific statistics and related information. Use our courses to fulfill required job training.

City PMT courses accepted Critical care statistics Major hospitals
New York 3.5% increase in life expectancy since the year 2000
2019 life expectancy was 81.2 years
Death rates were 7.5 per 1000 in 2001; 6.5 in 2009; 6.4 in 2010 and 7.98 in 2016
Top three leading causes of death are heart disease, cancer and influenza/pneumonia
2014 death rates for accidents were 4.9 in 100,000 and from falls 4.5% in 100,000
Total deaths from alcohol were 325 during the second quarter of 2019
Infant mortality rates were 4.6 per 1000 in 2020
Bellevue Hospital Center
Lenox Hill Hospital
Montefiore Medical Center
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
New York Downtown Hospital
New York Mount Sinai Medical Center
NYU Langone Medical Center
The Rockefeller University Hospital
New York Presbyterian Hospital
Philadelphia Average life expectancy is 70.7 years
88% of deaths due to natural causes
5% of deaths were accidental
2.5% of deaths were from homicide
Heart disease accounts for 25.6% of deaths
Cancer accounts for 22.9% of deaths
Stroke accounts for 5.2% of deaths
Accidents account for 5.0% of deaths
Chronic lower respiratory disease accounts for 4.0% of deaths
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Temple University Hospital
Penn Medicine Pennsylvania Hospital
Hahnemann University Hospital
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center

Our Pacific Medical Training branded training courses are sold proudly, under contract, to the U.S. Department of the Army and NASA .