Congratulations to the winners! After reviewing hundreds of websites, Pacific Medical Training is happy to award these sites with our "Best of Nursing Sites" award. We fully appreciate and can understand the time and commitment it takes to maintain a website and continue to provide current content easily accessible to the sites viewers.
- — Lippincott Nursing Center is an online organization that allows continuing education resources based on the best evidence available. “It is created by nurses, for nurses.” Lippincott is dedicated to helping you in your practice.
- Oncology Nurse Advisor — Oncology Nurse Advisor offers clinical updates. “Daily online exclusives cover late-breaking oncology news, safe handling and administration of chemotherapy drugs, side effect management, and new developments in specific cancers.” Also, they offer online websites and some links to additional continuing education activities and resources for nurses and patients. “Each print issue offers free continuing education credits.”
- — This page provides the nurses of North Carolina information and updates regarding the Nurse Licensure Compact. “The mission of the North Carolina Board of Nursing is to protect the public by regulating the practice of nursing.” And, when it comes to continuing education activities, the North Carolina Board of Nursing is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
- — “AORN represents the interests of more than 160,000 perioperativ nurses by providing nursing education, standards, and clinical practice resources.” Their 41,000 members manage, teach, and practice perioperative nursing. They also deal with nursing education and perioperative research. Their mission is to promote safety and optimal results for patients undergoing operative and other invasive procedures by providing practice support and professional development.
- — The Learning Nurse Resources Network is about informal nursing education, continuing education, and professional development. “This website provides an independent, free and safe resource for ALL levels of nurses to assess, maintain and enhance their professional competence.” They have helped prepare comprehensive competency profiles for over 15 different professions. They have also helped in creating some quizzes, learning courses and continuing education programs. Learning Nurse is part of the Better Business Bureau.
- — “Oregon Holistic Nurses Association provides vision, direction, and leadership for the advancement of holistic nursing practice in Oregon.” They are also focused on educating nurses and practitioners and maintaining financial stability and growth of the OHNA. ONHA allows communications between the traditional medical practitioners and alternative healing practices. They promote programs to create public awareness of holistic nursing OHNA supports the Core Values of the American Holistic Nurses Association.
- — “The Royal College of Nursing is the world’s largest nursing union and professional body. They represent more than 435,000 nurses, student nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants” They take care of the professional interests of nursing staff working in the public, private and voluntary sectors. Also, they offer their members free, confidential advice and support on employment matters, career and more. The RCN works with the UK, other European countries, and wider international alliances in order to affect and to influence health globally.
- — American Nurse Today is the official journal of the American Nurses Association. “The journal reaches over 175,000 dedicated nurses in a multitude of specialties and practice settings. It is published monthly in print and in electronic format. ANA is the driving force for nurses because it represents over 3.1 million registered nurses. ANA endeavors for many healthcare reforms. The organization is focused on the most important issues for its registered nurses.
- — CSNO is a group of registered credentialed nurses who work in California private, public, and charter schools. “Their mission is to promote and strengthen their members in their role as the primary health professional within the educational community.” The California School Nurses Organization is provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing.
- — Calling all nurses! This is an online nursing community with over 620k members strong. We can see why as this is a great resource for nurses that are just starting their career as well as tenured nurses. Topics include: General Nursing, Nursing Specialties, Critical Care Nursing, Advanced Practice Nursing, Nursing News, Nursing Jobs and more. Lots of articles by nurses and nursing students with an active community to follow up and comment.
- — This site has everything that someone interested in or working in the traveling nursing industry could want or need when assessing a location to work at next. Site covers topics such at: Hospital Rankings, Agency Rankings, Travel Nurse Blogs, Housing, Expert Travel Tax Advice, Shop for a Recruiter, Travel Nurse Advice, Travel Nurse Checklist and Travel Nurse News. Very easy to understand website allows for easy navigation.
- — Nurse Connect is more than a website, it is an online community for nurses. It gives nurses and other healthcare providers a platform to share experiences and learnings with their peers in an effort to improve job experience for all. True to the online community aspect, this site allows one to find nursing friends and former nursing colleagues, network into several job opportunities, get great nursing career tips and advice.
- — is a staffing company for nurses that was also honored in Fortune Magazine as one of the top 100 companies to work for. They compile and post traveling nurse jobs from all over the country. If you are a nurse seeking a job, this is the website for you. We highly recommend signing up at RNNnetwork to pursue your dream nurse job.
- — made our best-of site because of the sheer volume of nursing sites that it promotes. There are sections for Nurse Stories, Nursing Insights, Nursing Career Tips, Travel Nursing Blogs, and many more. It is easy to read and uncluttered. We highly recommend spending some time on this website.
- — This blog comes by way of a veteran nurse in an inner city ER. As you could imagine, there are probably some stories to tells! The title of the blog "madness: tales of an emergency room nurse" tends to insinuate the same. The writer of the blog shares her viewpoint on many issues in a straight forward kind of way and mixes in some tongue in cheek humor.
- — NSNA’s mission is to mentor students preparing for initial licensure as registered nurses, and to convey the standards, ethics, and skills that students will need as responsible and accountable leaders and members of the profession. Their site is a great introduction to all aspects of nursing, and the medical profession in general. They also have great scholarships, discounts, and other benefits for aspiring nurses!
- — Home to “The Official Travel Nursing Blog,” American Traveler provides updated news, professional advice, and other vital information for traveling nurses — from nursing policy to general healthcare news and everything in between.
- — Digital Doorway is where Nurse Keith coaches nurses and healthcare professionals in finding jobs, self-care and burnout prevention, nurse entrepreneurship, career management, blogging, writing, social media, and other networking opportunities. His blog posts are full of actionable tips and information!
- — More than two decades ago, Fastaff pioneered the practice of Rapid Response℠ travel nursing. Since then, the company has grown to become the leading provider of urgent and crucial temporary nurses that help hospitals provide continuous, high-quality patient care. Their site offers resources for both nurses needing jobs and hospitals needing nurses.
- — The Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) is a professional association committed to promoting excellence in oncology nursing and the transformation of cancer care. Their site offers resources for oncology nurses to get certifications, find courses and conferences, and become aware of other opportunities.
- — Since 2005, NurseChoice has been a leader in workforce solutions for the healthcare sector. They help healthcare providers locate hard-to-find candidates for a variety of short-term nursing specialties, and their site has resources to find nursing jobs, job alerts, and information about travel nursing.
- — Nurseslabs is a full-fledged nursing website dedicated to helping nurses and students. It does this by providing information such as seminars, examination tips, reviews, NCLEX exams, nursing news, job openings and more.