Course acceptance

West Pacific Region course acceptance

This chart lists major cities in the West Pacific region where Pacific Medical Training online emergency education courses are accepted, plus city-specific statistics and related information. Our courses may be used for required job training in the West Pacific region.

City PMT courses accepted Critical care statistics Major hospitals
Seattle 12.5% of residents do not have health insurance
9.6% of adults report having unmet medical needs
10.5% of residents report fair or poor health while 5.3% of adults were diabetic
Life expectancy in Seattle is 81.5 years
10.6% of adults smoke
56% are overweight and obese
31% do not meet the CDC recommended activity level
University of Washington Medical Center
Harborview Medical Center
Virginia Mason Medical Center
Swedish Medical Center
Seattle Children’s Hospital
Northwest Hospital and Medical Center
Portland 24% of deaths in Portland can be attributed to tobacco use
Diabetes deaths are increasing
Cancer deaths are decreasing
Both accidental deaths and suicide deaths have increased
Diabetes has increased
Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center
Oregon Health and Science University
Providence St. Vincent’s Medical Center
UBH Cedar Hills Hospital
Portland VA Medical Center
Adventist Medical Center
Los Angeles 47.3% of LA residents are Latino, 30.1% are Caucasian
64.5% of families speak English at home; 26.5% speak Spanish
In 2009 the state standard for air quality was not met 172 days of the years (47%)
The top 5 causes of death in 2017 were coronary heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes
10 million people live in LA County
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
USC University Hospital
St. Vincent Medical Center
City of Hope
Good Samaritan Hospital
California Hospital Medical Center
Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center
White Memorial Medical Center
San Diego 2009 self-diagnosed health status was: 23% excellent, 39% good, 10% fair and 1% poor
6.4% heart disease rate
26% reported high blood pressure
71% of high blood pressure patients were taking medication to control it
8% of residents are diabetic
11% have been told at one point they are asthmatic and 88% reported signs of asthma in the last 12 months
Less than 10% diagnosed with cancer
44% of cancer cases are skin cancer; 11% are from cancer of the breast
UC San Diego Medical Center
Scripps La Jolla Hospitals and Clinics
Scripps Mercy Hospital
Sharp Memorial Hospital
Pomerado Hospital
Sharp Coronado Hospital
San Jose Santa Clara Valley Medical Center has over 150 interns, residents, and students Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center
El Camino Hospital
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford
San Francisco HIV/AIDS higher than the national average UCSF Medical Center
John Muir Medical Center Walnut Creek
California Pacific Medical Center
John Muir Medical Center Concord
St. Mary’s Medical Center
Laguna Honda Hospital
San Francisco General Hospital
Long Beach Air quality per ozone regulations is not met 14% of the time while particulate matter is above 47%
22% of the Long Beach County is not insured
35% of adults are overweight and 22% are obese
8.7% of adults have been diagnosed with diabetes
Pacific Hospital of Long Beach
Long Beach Memorial Medical Center
VA Long Beach Healthcare System
Fresno Chronic disease accounts for 75% of health care costs St. Agnes Medical Center
Children’s Hospital Central California
Community Regional Medical Center
Sacramento UC Davis Health Systems has a staff of over 10,000 Sutter Medical Center
Mercy General Hospital
University of California Davis Medical Center
Mercy San Juan Medical Center
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Oakland 3% of adults smoke
14% report fair or poor health
23% of the residents were overweight and 30% were obese
Leading causes of death in order were heart disease, cancer, and stroke
Between 1–25 years of age the leading causes of death were homicide, unintentional injury and suicide
Current life expectancy in Alameda County is 81.4 years
33% of adults have hypertension
7.8% of adults are diabetic
9% of adults reported psychological distress within the last 12 months while 20% report the need to see amental health specialist
Highland General Hospital
Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland
St. John Macomb — Oakland Hospital
Fairmont Hospital
Honolulu No data Straub Clinic and Hospital
Kaiser Permanente Moanalua Hospital
Hawaii Medical Center East
Kuakini Medical Center
Urgent Care Clinic of Waikiki

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